Friday, March 14, 2008

Five Favorite Things

How does one hold it down to five? These are not necessarily in any particular order - just as they come to mind

1. Singing in a really good choir. I will miss almost anything else to make it to choir practice and/or the performance to sing with a really good choir.

2. Chocolate - Every time I try to go without it I find myself munching on other stuff trying to make up for it, so I have learned to go for the real thing first time around.

3. A good book - reading on a rainy day with some hot chocolate and a good book is wonderful.

4. Working in the Temple. I really dread the day that they retire me. It is fulfilling in so many ways and there are so many wonderful people to work with.

5. My husband and children. The older one gets the more precious they become. I include grandchildren and great grandchildren along with my children.


Stephanie said...

That was wonderful! I'm agree about the choir. Jeff and I participated in a performance of Handel's Messiah at BYU-I with several of the school choirs all combined (men's, women's, etc.) It was absolutely amazing! And amen to the chocolate!

Karen said...

Yeah Mom! It is always so hard to pin it down to "X" amount. There are so many finest things in life.

Kathy Whittle said...

It was fun to read your 5 favorite things - it would be hard for me to limit too.