This is a picture of grandpa's ear with a cancerous spot. It is the very small dark spot you can see inside the upper curl of the ear. The doctor noticed it, took a little piece of it and the result was the surgery grandpa had yesterday morning. It turned out to be very aggressive and much larger under the skin.
Dr. Burr was very thorough and did a fine job of repair. He grafted a piece from behind the ear and at the top of the neck so that the ear would not be too deformed. It took about 4 hours to complete and we thought we were just going to be about an hour at the most. We have an appointment tomorrow morning (Sunday) to go have the dressing changed and the wound checked. Dr. Burr told us we were to go to Sacrament meeting and then to his office. So that is what we will do. Dr. Burr also called grandpa on Friday evening to see how he was doing. He was given an rx for pain med but has not had to use it yet.
I will definately have to keep up on this!!! I had no idea you were blogging, Grandma! I didn't know that Grandpa had had to have surgery, but I'm glad I know. We'll keep him in our prayers. I hope all the post-surgery went well and that the cancer has been cleared out for now. (and forever, is the biggest hope.) Love you and am excited to keep up with this!!
I am curious as to whether the picture you are showing is pre-surgery or not? I was guessing this was taken before since I would have thought removing the cancerous part would remove the spot, but I wasn't certain that was the case... I look forward to hearing an update on how things are doing after the check-up with the doctor :)
Hi! I saw your page on Joseph and Ashley's and was so excited. The internet is wonderful for keeping in touch with people. Give grandpa a big hug for me, I hope they got all the cancer. Love you!
We are glad that Grandpa's surgery went well and that he seems to be recovering well (at least he hasn't had to use pain med). Please let us know if you need anything! We love you!
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